Olympic Project bigfoot expeditions are held in the Olympic Mountains, deep forests of Washington State. They are typically 4 day overnight outings that begin on a Thursday and end on Sunday.
Our expeditions consist of our team members teaching, explaining and demonstrating the various areas of bigfoot research that most have spent decades applying in the field.
We also feature guest speakers who are renowned in the bigfoot research world whom will offer presentations and share the knowledge they have acquired through-out their tenure.

Olympic Project bigfoot expeditions are always a fun outing with great people in unforgettable terrain. Guest speakers, classes and courses, hikes and the scenery will be something you will not forget.
Guests will learn as much as a bigfoot enthusiast/researcher can in 4 complete days by others in the field. This will give you the tools to conduct your own research where ever you choose, in a more thorough and complete fashion.