Track casting with the Olympic Project is probably the most thorough and complete bigfoot casting classes guests will ever attend.
We will guide you through the entire process from search & discovery, to post casting procedures with a plethora of information in between.
We also demonstrate an impression on-site and give you the tools you may need should different situations arise in the field.

Upon completion of our track casting class, students will receive a certificate of completion..

We also have some of the best known track casters assist in our sessions. During some Olympic Project expeditions, researchers like Paul Graves, Cliff Barackman and David Ellis offer insights and procedures that will help get the cleanest, clearest bigfoot track possible.</span>
Since tracks can be found in all types of soils, sands, weather conditions and elevations, we offer years of experience allowing you to learn from our mistakes and helping our guests achieve a rank of “master caster” forgoing the painstaking years some of us have put into the learning process.
If you want to learn track casting, this is the place to learn the most you possibly can in one class.