Born and raised, with prominent familial roots in beautiful Monterey, California. Bart Cutino is a longtime Sasquatch researcher. He is affiliated with numerous recognizable sasquatch research organizations over the last decade including the BFRO, AIBR, Bigfoot Discovery Museum (Felton, CA), The Sierras Evidence Initiative (co-founder), and The Olympic Project.
In the last decade, he’s appeared in several network TV shows and documentaries. Those include Animal Planet’s “Finding Bigfoot” in which he maintains a close relationship with many cast members. He has contributed some intriguing and impressively documented visual/audio evidence in his pursuits throughout the Pacific Northwest. A favorite is the California northern coast “Tree Destruction video,” obtained with CA park ranger Robert Leiterman.
He is especially proud of perhaps the longest, and arguably most well-documented (independently) thermal footage on record, (The “Sierras footage”). The Thermal video consists of multiple tall bipedal subjects. They were recorded, unexpectedly, quietly loitering near his team’s camp at 7000 ft in the California Sierras in the summer of 2012.
Barts pursuit of thermal image recording came at the expense of having a definitive sasquatch encounter with proprietary heat-sensing (thermal) technology (Washington State Cascades, 2007), but not recording it. Since that time Bart has not only implemented recording thermal imaging units as his primary documentative research method, but has been helping countless North American peer researchers obtain and access thermal technology for their research at the best pricing available.
Bart’s primary long-term objectives in the field are a continued relentless and aggressive pursuit with the emphasis of obtaining potentially damning forensic or thermal video documentation. In addition, in lieu of the historically disappointing evidence record, poor documentative efforts, countless hoaxes/misinformation etc… Bart highly prioritizes upgrading (by lecturing and example) the scientific standards and principles of documentation with respect to the overall amateur bigfoot research community.
Bart currently resides in Monterey, California with his wife Kimberly and two children, Bella & Tony. By day, he’s a financial advisor and retirement income planner with Central Coast Financial Management.