My first notion that something out of the ordinary may be inhabiting the woods of the Pacific Northwest came from a story my Grandfather told me. He owned an eighty acre farm near Battle Ground, Washington. He spoke of seeing a five foot tall monkey running across a hayfield he was cutting. It ran across a field hopped a fence and disappeared into the woods. I was about eight years old when I first heard the story. Three years later I had my own experience. I was with a small group of kids in a forty acre cow pasture. Along the west fence line was a dense forest and bushes. As we approached, the trees exploded with activity. Thirty foot alder trees began swaying violently, then two inch limbs were being pulled off.All of a sudden the loudest vocalization I have ever heard an animal make was belted out from the dense woods. I was less than thirty feet away from the vocalizer. I later described the sound, to my parents, as a cross between a lion roar and an elephant trumpet. It was a chord of sound containing both high and low elements. The vocalization lasted well over 10 seconds.
Fast forward to more recent times, my involvement in research began by following web pages related to bigfoot in the mid 1990’s. In 2005 I attended a bigfoot conference and met many good people doing field research. By 2006 I was out in the woods learning and listening from other researchers. I became a BFRO member and field investigator. While doing this I quickly gravitated to ways of collecting evidence. I wanted more than a story I was looking for ways to back up possible encounters. This desire drove me to learn and become proficient at track casting and audio recording.
In 2009 my paths crossed with Derek Randles and Rich Germeau. I liked their direction and goals for research. I was invited to join the Olympic Project in 2010. Since that time it has been a constant refinement of research methods. We are a Dedicated group of individuals recording and documenting events related to Sasquatch encounters. I personally enjoy helping Witnesses process their encounters, and assist other researchers to refine their techniques.
Hopefully our reward will come with an ability to predict the why, and when a sasquatch(s) may be in a particular area. If this goal can be attained, then the day discovery happens we will be able to meet the challenge of “What happens now?” Decisions will be made about how we will coexist. Those decisions should be made with knowledge and not assumptions. To that end I am happy to be assisting the Olympic Project toward knowledge of base and predictable behavior of the creature we call Sasquatch.
Bachelor Arts Psychology, U of Washington
Track casting/Analysis/Replication
Field Audio Recording/Analysis
Witness interview and Study site assistance