I have an immense love of the outdoors and grew up camping, fishing, skiing and hiking with my family. As an adult my passion for research of any kind has bloomed and I have dedicated a large portion of my free time to Cryptid research. When it comes to Sasquatch, I do not believe we can rule out the possibility of their existence as legends and sightings cross regional and cultural boundaries world wide. Sasquatch for me is more than a Legend and using scientific methodology and principles hope to be part of a team of people who is able to officially prove OR disprove their existence. My own personal experiences lead me to believe we are on the right track!
Background: I am a graduate of UNC Charlotte with a Bachelors degree in History. My education includes Historical Preservation, Anthropology and Historical Archaeology.
I’ve completed field work on small archeological and historical dig sites in the Pac NW and North Carolina. I am a graduate of Mt Hood Community College’s School of Nursing and work daily as a Primary Care Nurse with 12 years in the Emergency Room as a Technician. My intent is to eventually complete an advanced degree in Forensics.
My time with animals includes education in animal sciences and years working as a Veterinary Technician with domestics and livestock, participating in wildlife rehab and the care of exotic animals (primates included). I have worked as an Animal Control Officer / Shelter Technician and shown and trained horses and dogs. I am a Certified Riding Instructor through the United States Pony Club rating system and currently ride and train my own horses. I have significant experience in animal handling and behavior as well as identification of animal tracks, animals and animal sounds. I have been often told I know what animals think and truly feel a deep connection to them.
My love of research extends beyond Cryptids and includes Paranormal Research of which I have participated in, all over the country for several years. Besides being a member of the Olympic Project, I am a member of the Tillamook Forrest Research Group and ICAB Paranormal. I was the founding Team Lead for the IPRG Paranormal team in Portland Oregon, associated with The Atlantic Paranormal Society (TAPS / Ghost Hunters) and continue to hold close ties with that community.