My first encounter happened over 30 years ago as I was escorted out of the woods by one while Elk hunting I didn’t tell anyone for 30 years about this experience.
In 2012 my grown daughters where camping and came home with a story about them being harassed for 2 hours, after going through all the local animals that live in that area with them I decided to go to this spot at camp it was that very night we hear 5 knocks, and then recoded a siren call and contacted the BFRO, Soon after more folks got involved and then created the Tillamook forest Research Group. Using the sciences I am trained in we have been collecting data without bias and building a data base on the area within the Tillamook forest
As a Metrologist my professional skills could be put to use in measurements on audio research using various High tech electronics measurement equipment such as oscilloscopes and spectrum wave analyzers and software for Finger printing individual vocal’s that is unique only to one individual. And help in creating a record for patterns or types of vocals and identification of individuals. Further could help in the development of repeatability triple blind studies procedures for cross regional collaboration with other groups in the search for vocal patterns.
And any other physical measurement’s and help or develop SOP or other procedures to move forward with the science aspect of this research.
Metrology Certifications: Federal D.O.T, Alaska D.O.T, Oregon D.O.T, Hawaii D.O.T, Washington D.O.T, Nevada D.O.T, Idaho D.O.T, Montana D.O.T California D.O.T., California D.O.T.
2004 to 2008
Certifications By personal Audits from
Nuclear Regulatory Commission 2003 – 2007
NASA space agency 2003
U.S. Army White sands Missile Range 2003
Other disciplines
Advanced Systems and Technology
American Society for Testing and Materials
ISO 9001
ISO/IEC 17025 Accreditation Training
Continued Metrology Training
Transcat Inc 2008 to Preset