Roland became interested in Sasquatch in 2001 by watching Discovery Channel’s “Bigfoot: Myth meets Science”; and he has been hooked ever since. Although Roland is a younger member of the Olympic Project, this does not mean that he has not had his fair share of encounters with the mythical creature. His first experience was in August of 2012. Since then, he has strived to know who and what a Sasquatch is. Even to the point, he went down to Bluff Creek in June 2014, the place that started it all. He has had experiences with eye shine, wood knocks and even had a bluff charge — that chased him off a mountain one night. Most of his research is centered on the Baker Snoqualmie National Park portion of Snohomish County.
In his everyday life he dabbled audio mixing and video production. Those skills got him noticed by Shane and Derrik during an August 2018 expedition when he volunteered his skills when he saw a need. We all hope to see what he can bring to the table here at the Olympic Project.
He has associations with the Olympic Project, Pacific Northwest Sasquatch, and the American Primate Conservancy. Along with those he has a small research group called Snohomish County Sasquatch that exclusively focuses on the research him and his team collects.