Step 1 of 8 12% May the Olympic Project contact you?*YesNoPlease indicate whether or not the Olympic Project may contact you for additional follow-up and investigation. The Olympic Project prefers to contact eyewitnesses for additional follow-up. All information is kept confidential and eyewitnesses may remain anonymous. Eyewitness Information The Olympic Project prefers to contact eyewitnesses for additional follow-up. All information is kept confidential and eyewitnesses may remain anonymous.Witness Name First Last Witness Phone NumberWitness E-mail Location InformationState/Province*The name of the state or province where the encounter took place.CountyThe name of the county where the encounter took place.Nearest TownThe name of the closest town to where the encounter took place.Nearest Road or CrossingThe name of the nearest road or major road crossing to where the encounter took place.Location InfoPlease supply any additional pertinent information about the sighting location.Terrain* Meadow or field Beach, shoreline, or estuary Swamp, marsh, or bog Lake or pond River or stream Forest or woodland Alpine (mountains above tree-line) Montane or subalpine (mountains below tree-line) Hill or foothill Scrub, shrub, or brush land Grassland or prairie Canyon, valley, ravine, or cave Desert Tundra City, suburb, or town Choose the best option or options to describe the terrain where the sighting took place. Date & TimeObservation Date* Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY The date when the sighting occurred. Time : HH MM AM PM SeasonSpringSummerFallWinterPlease indicate the season in which the sighting occurred.General TimeDawn (sunrise)Morning (after sunrise)NoonAfternoonEvening (approaching sunset)Dusk (sunset)Night (after sunset, before midnight)MidnightMorning (after midnight, before sunrise)Please indicate the general time when the sighting occurred. Weather ConditionsTemperatureDegrees Fahrenheit.Sky ConditionsClearPartly CloudyCloudyFogPlease indicate the general sky conditions present when the sighting began.PrecipitationNoneLight RainRainHeavy RainThunderstormSnowingWintry MixPlease indicate any precipitation present when the sighting began.WindCalmLightModerateStrongPlease indicate the wind when the sighting began.Wind DirectionNNEESESSWWNWPlease indicate the predominant wind direction when the sighting began. Creature DetailsHeight33.544.555.566.577.588.599.51010.51111.51212.5 Or MoreEstimate the height of the creature or creatures to the nearest half foot. Weight0-5051-100101-150151-200201-250251-300301-350351-400401-450451-500501-550551-600601-650651-700701-750751-800801-850851-900901-950951-10001001-10501051-11001101-11501151-12001201-12501251-13001301-13501351-14001400 or moreThe estimated weight of the creature or creatures in pounds. Number of Creatures*Please indicate the number and apparent sex of each observed creature. Hair ColorBlackDark BrownBrownLight BrownRed BrownRedGreyWhiteBlondeMixed - DarkMixed - LightThermal Night VisionUnknownThe predominant hair color observed on the creature or creatures.Hair LengthEstimate the average length of the hair in inches.Eye Color (Day)Not ObservedBlackBrownBlueRedGreenAmberYellowWhiteIf observed during the day, describe the eye color. Eye Color (Night)Not ObservedGlowing GreenGlowing BlueGlowing RedGlowing OrangeGlowing YellowGlowing WhiteIf observed at night, describe the eye color. Distance (Yards)0-2526-5051-7575-100101-125126-150151-175176-200201-225226-250251-275276-300301-325326-350351-375376-400400 or more General Encounter Information MalesPlease indicate how many male were present.FemalesPlease indicate how many females were present.Minor FemalesPlease indicate how many under 18 females were present.Minor MalesPlease indicate how many under 18 males were present.BF ActivityDescribe the creature's behaviors during the encounter. Human ActivityPlease describe the specific human behaviors immediately before and during the encounter. Sighting Description*Please re-tell the event starting with what you were doing immediately before you observed the Sasquatch.Continued/OtherAdditional pertinent information related to the encounter. Evidence Some people benefit by revisiting the location to search for hair or footprints. Others capture photographic or audio evidence at the time of the encounter. If you have obtained any evidence, the Olympic Project would be interested in conducting further analysis, with your permission.Hair Sample?YesNoPlease indicate whether a hair sample was collected in association with the encounter. If a sample was collected, the Olympic Project requests a sample for further study. Audio Recording?YesNoPlease indicate whether an audio recording was collected in association with the encounter. If so, the Olympic Project requests a copy for further study. Footprint Cast?YesNoPlease indicate whether a cast of one or more footprints was obtained. If so, the Olympic Project requests a copy for further study. Photographic Evidence?YesNoPlease indicate whther any photographs, film, or video evidence was obtained. If so, the Olympic Project requests a copy for further study. 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