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Help Make The Groundbreaking Scientific Bigfoot Documentary Sequel a Reality. Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science II-A New 3-hour Film-That Will Be the Best Documentary on the Sasquatch Subject Ever!    From MonsterQuest Producer – Doug Hajicek, who also produced the original Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science Doc in 2001.   We will embark on a thrilling journey with Legend Meets Science…

Heads Up: Evaluating Bigfootage Plausibility at a Glance

This blog is intended to provide scientific context and theory for Sasquatch as a subfield of natural history and paleoanthropology. I don't want to engage in "debunking" threads or make a habit out of offering opinions on internet "evidence" on the regular, but there is educational value in pointing out…

Merry Christmas!

Hey everyone, as you may have noticed, we're back after a...fairly long hiatus. "We" being us web monkeys who do online PR. The OP has never gone anywhere and has been quite busy the last few years. This year has been a rough one, and as a result both research…

May Expedition

The Olympic Project would like to announce our first public expedition. The trip will take place at our research headquarters in the beautiful Olympic National forest. Trip dates are May 20, 21, 22.. Our guest presenter will be Tom Steenburg, author and researcher. Do you want to take your research…

A Message From The Olympic Project

Dear Olympic Project Friends,   We generally do not pay much attention to what others say online but due to the nature of social media and the internet in general, we wanted to reach out to Olympic Project friends, fans and supporters.   Recently, it has come to our attention…

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